Animations- Studio Elementare

Studio Elementare


Puppen (2017)
A story about memory and loss. A man remembers a moment from his childhood. Shot in Chemnitz in 2016 with the support of the Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt. Shown at Mumia Festival (Brazil, 2019), among others.

The film can be watched here

Firstborn Complex (2008)
A dreamlike film about sibling rivalry. A boy decides to get rid of his newborn little brother. Winner of the jury prize at the Torino Film Festival in 2008. 

The film can be watched here. 

The little illusion (2006)
An homage to the world of silent movies - and to stop motion animation as well. Winner of several international prizes. 

The film can be watched here.
Fraulein Gertie (2005)
Fraulein Gertie is a lonely woman. Or is she? Winner of dozens of awards, including the prestigious Maremetragio.

The film can be watched here.
Il Dettato (2004)
An imaginative young student has problems concentrating. Winner of several important awards, including Best Animation at the Havana Film Festival. 

The film can be watched here.
Dorme Agora (2002)
Our first animation film. A boy wants to sleep. Winner of a special prize at Prima Aziz Festival (Palermo) and shown at Mumia Animation Festival (Brazil)

The film can be watched here