Lavinia Chianello
was born in Palermo, Italy. She studied Art at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo and works with arts restoration. Since 2002 she started to work with stop-motion animation films.
- "Dorme Agora" - Co-directed with Tomás Creus. Animation, 2'30'', 2002, Brazil.
- "The Dictation" - Co-directed with Tomás Creus. Animation, 4'06'', 2004, Italy/Brazil.
- "Fräulein Gertie" - Co-directed with Tomás Creus. Animation, 5'30'', 2005, Italy/Brazil.
- "The Little Illusion"- Co-directed with Tomás Creus. Animation, 8'10'', 2006, Italy/Brazil.
- "Pesadelo"(Nightmare) - Art Direction. Fiction, 35 mm, 15', 2003, Brazil.
Tomás Creus
was born in Rosario, Argentina. He studied Communications at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and Film at the London Film School (UK). He directed several short films, such as "The Eighth Seal" (1999) and worked as a screenwriter for local televison.
- "The Eighth Seal". Fiction, 15' 35 mm, 1999, Brazil.
- "Nightmare". Fiction, 15', 35 mm, 2002, Brazil.
- "Natural History". Fiction, 15', Beta, 2003, Brazil.
- "Dorme Agora" (co-directed with Lavinia Chianello). Animation, 2'30'', 2002, Brazil.
- "The Dictation" (co-directed with Lavinia Chianello). Animation, 4'06'', 2004, Italy/Brazil.
- "Fräulein Gertie" (co-directed with Lavinia Chianello). Animation, 5'30'', 2005, Italy/Brazil
- "The Little Illusion" (co-directed with Lavinia Chianello), Animation, 8'10'', 2006, Italy/Brazil
- "Prague Winter". Documentary, 35'', DV, 2003, Brazil/Czech Republic.